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…Во время прочтения статей c “Mozilla” столкнулся c незнакомыми мне ранее или редко встречающимися словами, а также их интерпретацией в контексте программирования…
Поэтому создал себе небольшой словарик с выражениями и примерами их контекста применения.
По мере прохождения материала буду корректировать и дополнять.
Вот, может кому-то будет полезен:
##Expressions and operators
“An expression is any valid unit of code that resolves to a value.”
Resolve - “преобразовывать, вычисляться, решать”
Equality - "равенство."
Strict Equality- "строгое равенство."
Inequality - “неравенство.”
“The basic assignment operator is equal (=), which assigns the value of its right operand to its left operand.”
Assignment operators - “операторы присваивания.”
“A comparison operator compares its operands and returns a logical value based on whether the comparison is true.”
Comparison operators: “операторы сравнения.”
“If the two operands are not of the same type, JavaScript attempts to convert them to an appropriate type for the comparison.”
Attempts - “попытки, пытается.”
Аppropriate type - “соответствующий тип.”
“The standard arithmetic operators are addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/).”
"The comma operator (,) simply evaluates both of its operands and returns the value of the second operand."
Evaluates - “принимает значение, вычисляется, оценивается.”
“Operators with higher precedence are evaluated first.”
“The precedence of operators determines the order they are applied when evaluating an expression.”
Operator precedence - “приоритет операторов.”
Determines - “определяет, устанавливает.”
"You can override operator precedence by using parentheses."
Рarentheses - “круглые скобки”.
##Values, variables, and literals
"…the following code executes the function myFunction."
Executes - “выполняет.”
Diminished - “уменьшенный”.
“An alternative method of retrieving a number from a string is with the + (unary plus) operator.”
Retrieving - “преобразование, восстановление.”
“A variable declared using the var statement with no initial value specified has the value undefined.”
Declare a variable - “объявить переменную.”
Conform to certain rules - “соответствовать определенным правилам.”
More succinctly - “более кратко.”
“…a variable declared within a block is local to the function (or global scope) that the block resides within.”
Resides - “находится, проживает.”
“This best practice increases the clarity of the code.”
Сlarity - “читаемость, ясность, прозрачность.”
##Relational operators
Less Than - “меньше.” (<)
Less Than Or Equal - “меньше либо равно.” (<=)
Greater Than - “больше.” (>)
Greater Than Or Equal - “больше либо равно.” (>=)
Strict Equality- "строгое равенство."
Strict Inequality- “строгое неравенство.”
"The strict equality operators are intended for performing equality comparisons on operands of the same Type."
Intended - “предназначены”.
"Type conversion is involved in the "non–strict comparison…"
Involved - "включено, участвует… "
"…a mathematical value is derived from the string numeric literal."
Derived - “получено (после преобразования).”
"…this value is rounded to nearest Number type value."
Rounded - “округлено.”
“It is advisable to not use simple assignments (=) in a conditional expression, because the assignment can be confused with equality when glancing over the code.”
Advisable - "рекомендуется."
Glancing - “взглянув…, глядя…”
"Removing nested parentheses."
Nested - “вложенные.”
##Working with objects
In addition to objects that are predefined in the browser, you can define your own objects.
A variable that has not been assigned a value is of type undefined.
Predefined - "предопределено."
Define - “определять”.
Undefined - “неопределенный”.
In JavaScript, an object is a standalone entity, with properties and type.
Standalone entity- “автономный объект, сущность.”
The concept of objects in JavaScript can be understood with real life, tangible objects.
Tangible objects - “материальные, осязаемые объекты.”
Object.keys(o) method returns an array with all the own (not in the prototype chain) enumerable properties’ names (“keys”) of an object o.
Enumerate - “перечислять”.
…Note that you may need to wrap the object literal in parentheses…
Wrap - “обёртывать, заворачивать”.
There is a strong convention, with good reason, to use a capital initial letter…
Convention - “соглашение, договоренность.”
The object being inherited from is known as the prototype…
Inheritance - “наследование.”
Restriction - “ограничение”.