Здесь (в разделе INSTALLING TESSERACT) описано, как устанавливать Image::OCR::Tesseract module.
Вот это описание:
Included in this package is t/tesseract_install_helper.pl which will check for packages needed.
Installing tesseract can be tricky. You will basically need gcc-c++ and automake installed on your system. After you have automake and gcc-c++, you should be able to install.
You may be able to simply install the SVN version of Tesseract by using:
svn checkout http://tesseract-ocr.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ tesseract-ocr
mkdir build-directory
cd build-directory
make install
for more see google project on ocr, they use tesseract
Но для меня это весьма непонятно. Кто может помочь?
Еще мне подсказали ppm install Image-OCR-Tesseract . Я прописал это в консоли. Вывод:
Error installing package ‘Image-OCR-Tesseract’: Could not locate a PPD file for package Image-OCR-Tesseract